Merhaba and welcome to my website. On this site you will find more about me and my work as an author. For example about my recent book, which is made up of 15 historical short stories set in Istanbul at a time at which there was still a sultan in power.
You will also find a page with some other projects I am participating in. One of them is the German-Turkish online magazine Maviblau.
About me
fictional and non-non-fictional, as print and online
I’ve been living in Istanbul for a few years. Here, I fell in love, first with the city and then with my now wife. I work as a freelance translator and writer. Whether journalism or fiction, the texts I write are usually about life at the Bosphorus.

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Stambul – Stories between Sultanate and Republic
15 historical short stories from the period of the outgoing Ottoman Empire.
Şimdi heißt jetzt – Snapshots from Istanbul
A non-fiction book by Maviblau, in which various topics of daily life are told in personal stories.

I work on all kinds of topics, whether online magazines, blogs or articles for the most varying projects.